Do you ever feel a bit strange when someone asks you what business you’re in? Does it feel a bit onerous to try to give your 15-second “elevator speech” about something as new and complex as the life coach business? My wife and I are currently visiting friends and family in Germany.  Besides being a so-so German speaker (my wife is German, not me), I am also rather slow when it comes to projecting myself in social situations. So, as you can imagine, I was a little slow to respond when a wealthy family member popped the question recently – in German, of course – “Was... (Read More ...)

We arrived in Munich on December 15th to spend Christmas in Germany with my wife Brigitte’s family and friends.  First stop was her sister Uschi, then on to Freiburg and the Black Forest where “Tante Erika and Onkel Ekhart” live.  Today we drove up to the snow trails of the Black Forest and ran into a small traffic jam . . .the “Ziegen” or mountain goats! Sometimes you just have to take a break from coach training. . .  (Read More ...)

Results Coaching Update: When you hear the term Results Coaching what do you think of?  Normally you would think of trying to elicit a specific outcome from coaching, right?  Obviously, but the best results coaching method is often elusive for several reasons: The goals or aim is not clearly defined The client is unaware of his or her own hidden agendas, Both coach and client are trying to “Fix” a condition that is subconsciously locked in., and The “Lag” time between the stated goal and the results is often too long. Unless you as a coach have the right tool to ACCESS... (Read More ...)

Can you actually earn money doing what you love? If you love to listen to others, share life experiences, and guide people to taking action on that which they already know they want to do, then the answer is a resounding “YES”!  You are already qualified for life coach training! Life coach training gives you permission – if you will – to do that which you already love, which is to counel others on matters of life importance.  Life coaching itself is a term that can be defined quite simply as “helping others to maximize their effectiveness in everyday functioning... (Read More ...)

Life coach training – just like people – comes in many different shapes, sizes and colors. Before they became life coaches, most of them were already grounded in certain types of therapy, whether it be psychotherapy, hypnosis, law of attraction, NLP or relationship counseling. It stands to reason, therefore, that their approaches would be different. But so are the results. Let me explain… Some therapies, quite frankly, bring about little or no lasting results. I call these the “feel good” modalities – things like affirmations, most energy work, and invocations... (Read More ...)