david cummings

David Cummings – Small Business Marketing Coach and Contributing Editor – Says:

Owning a consulting or coaching business can be challenging in today’s fast paced world. Getting the right kind of exposure can be even more difficult when you don’t really know what your message is . . . and prospective buyers don’t know where to find you!

Even when you know what you’re about, and you’re convinced that you need a better online presence, fear and lack of what to do next may often prevent you from promoting your coaching business, or even starting to do this in the first place.

It is vital today to get online and in front of your audience if you want to succeed as a coach or consultant!   Here are my 3 main steps to start showcasing your business right away . . . and for the most part, they’re free!

1. Write out your Business Mission Statement

Without doing this, you may find yourself floundering and going nowhere fast.  No doubt you have heard the saying, “A ship without a rudder may end up anywhere but the planned destination.” Avoid the directionless drift, and get clear on your mission and destination. This can be achieved in about 100 words, with specifics, and when you are done, hang it on your office wall. Most importantly – read it frequently to keep your ship on track; and place it on your website or social profile so others can clearly see what you do.

2. Market Your Coaching Business both Online and Offline

That means a website, online profile and social network; and physical business cards, flyers / brochures, and access to either email mail or phone. People want to deal with real people behind a business, not just a “faceless machine” that processes payments. Marketing is all encompassing and allows your business to stand out as the only logical option in your niche. If you can’t whip up a website and setup your online profile, then get help and get it out there quick. This is no time to be coy . . . expose your business to the world!

3. Build Solid Relationships

People want to know that their questions and concerns can be answered.  They also want to know that, as their coach or consultant, you care!  Relationship building may mean sending them consistent email, letters or postcards.  Make sure you address their concerns and questions, providing them with quality (i.e., targeted to their needs) products and services.

Your website, online profile and social network makes this extremely easy and can even do it automatically for you. Once set up correctly, it can save you hours and allow you to get on with other aspects of your business.

Avoid doing everything yourself, and use the available tools at hand to streamline your business.  If you can’t set this up easily, then get help and save time and money from those who have done it before.

Once you master these three steps, you will see your business flourish beyond measure.

The Next Step…

If you want to find out how to create your own online profile, and build your business website in 30 minutes for under 15 bucks, then Click on the Button below for my FREE WEBINAR showing you exactly how to do this step by step:

coaching websites

Building an effective website and online profile can be simple, and extremely effective.  Avoid the pain of trying to figure it all out for yourself, and register today.

IN MY NEXT BLOG POST, I will talk about the 5 must-have pages your website needs to have for you to stay ahead of the game.