get clients todayLet’s face it – many coaches don’t earn a heck of a lot of money with coaching . . . but its often not for lack of trying.

If you lack earning potential as a coach, its often because you don’t have what I call “The 3-Legged Stool of Success.”  Without all three “legs,” i.e., motivation, knowledge, and consistent action based on that knowledge, you will not make it financially as a coach.

But there are ways to make extra money this summer by doing a few things to get you through the lean times – and these things are fast and easy to do.

Tap Into An Extra Money Platform

A “platform” is usually defined as an open-ended system (usually Internet-based) that allows buyers and sellers to get together to exchange products or services for payment.

It’s a win-win-win:  the customer gets the product or service he amazon cartor she wants,  the seller gets paid, and the platform owner gets a piece of the action for each transaction.

And this “piece of the action” is not peanuts.  For every dollar that PayPal or CitiCard handles, for example, they get 3 cents.  While that may not sound like much money individually, when multiplied by millions of transactions each day, it adds up to quite a bit of change!

Another example is  They are cornering the online world for being the platform that sells practically everything!

So how does this help you make more money?  Simple.  Find a platform you can plug into and start earning some much-needed cash!  While you aren’t a bank, credit card company or online giant like Amazon, you probably DO have a few things you often take for granted that you can offer: a home or car.

The People’s Platforms

A couple of recent platforms have taken the world by storm: and  Both of these sites have one thing in common – they sell availability.  They offer to allow those people who have an un-used house or a little-used vehicle to provide the use of them to folks looking for the short-term use of a house or a car.

(NOTE: While the idea is not new, the platform concept has exploded in the age of the Internet.  And, while I’d love to take credit for it, I can’t.  I borrowed the idea from investor/writer James Altucher who probably borrowed it from somebody else, i.e., any one of the hundreds of platform creators!)

Recently my wife Brigitte and I completed a visit to 3 countries and six cities and stayed with either family members (in Germany) or home owners in Munich, Leipzig, Rome and Istanbul through AirBnB.

Each experience was unique.  In Leipzig, Germany, “our home” was a full apartment downtown, only a short walking distance to the famous ThomasKirche and composer J.S. Bach’s tomb and museum.  In Rome we have a second-floor apartment in the middle of the city, overlooking a monument plaza, and minutes from the Metro train and the Colosseum. 

blue mosque istanbulThe Marmara Guest House in Istanbul offered us dining overlooking the Bosporus, and was very close to the Blue Mosque (left) the Hagia Sophia, and the  famous Spice Market.  They provided great service, a comfortable room, and breakfast.

(And yes, stories of terror attacks are often greatly exaggerated; you have a better chance of being hit by lightening. So don’t let this stop you from traveling, for Pete’s sake!)

We found all these places on and developed a friendly relationship with each owner.  Some owners were there; others weren’t.  Sometimes we got the whole house or apartment; sometimes just a room with a bed.  All, however, suited our need for both comfort and convenience.

We also submitted our rental log cabin in Tennessee to AirBnB, and are still working out the bugs.  Because AirBnB handles all bookings and online payments, it is very easy for newbies to get started and get paid.  For those of us with existing rental properties, however, it is necessary to allow AirBnB’s system to override our own booking process.  Its a hassle, but I believe well worth it.

Have a Home or Car?

DL1If you do – and don’t mind sharing your space (or ride) with others – you can make pretty good money!  There is a screening process for all participants, but this only makes it more intimate and allows you to be a part of a rapidly-growing worldwide community!

Using these platforms allows you to make extra money selling access to the things you already have.  You can set your own hours, set your own fees (sometimes), and earn enough to get your through those “I ain’t got no clients” doldrums!

So, will you do it?  Let others know – leave a comment below!