The Headaches Started
Back in the mid-80’s I had someone close to me die from suicide. That’s when the headaches started….
At first they seemed to be sinus related. Since I sobbed so much after my loss, clogging my sinuses became an everyday event for weeks, as did the persistent headaches. The headaches persisted, though, even after the sinuses cleared up, and later got more and more frequent and more severe.
I was crushed, and felt helpless to stop them.
Since then I’d been taking pills and trying all sorts of weird-tasting herbal remedies, but my migraines still haunted me daily. I don’t know what exactly caused them, other than mourning a suicide. Even my doctors and chiropractors told me it could be a multitude of factors: diet, sleeping habits, fitness, and the most dreaded one of all – stress. When doctors can’t pinpoint what is wrong with you, they push the blame to stress. It’s vague enough to stop you from doing all the things that stress you out. Which is basically everything in life.
So I began doing my own research and asking all my friends and family to see if anyone else had a problem with – and solution for – frequent migraines. And it turned out that my cousin Pam, whom I haven’t seen in ages, used to have them! But I didn’t know, because she always skipped out on family gatherings due to her feeling under the weather and nauseous. I guess now I know exactly how she felt.
I also learned that the body of research on migraines – and related pain variations like cluster and sinus headaches – was extensive but rather inconclusive. Certain drugs helped, but the side effects often caused stress to the liver and other organs. Based on this information, I stopped taking medication except during the most severe bouts.
I then spend years looking for answers, and found it with acupressure. Because I hated needles since I was over-hospitalized (and stuck) as a kid, I found that pressure on certain points actually helped soothe the pain. Sometimes it even eliminated the pain in minutes!
Journey to Sri Lanka
I was so intrigued, I found other practitioners in the Atlanta area, and soon found myself on a trip around the world to study this thing. I went there in SPITE of my fear of needles… but was able to get over my fear after one treatment (only after passing out cold for a few seconds)! In Sri Lanka I was mentored by Dr. Anton Jayasurya, one of the most renown acupuncture and healing experts at the time, now deceased. I spent years after that both teaching and practicing acupressure and meridian therapy – forms I used the most since I was not licensed as a chiropractor to pierce the skin in my state.
I still use acupressure and my knowledge of meridians to help myself and my family. I have also trained others to use these methods, although I no longer devote much time to teaching or writing about it.
Natural Healing Now At Your Fingertips?
After using and sharing Acupressure for many decades, I was pleased to learn that another supposedly world-renown healing expert – Dr. Lim from China – has teamed up with promoter Kevin Richardson to create Pure Natural Healing – an online course that talks about everything I was taught in Sri Lanka, and presumably more. Dr. Lim has apparently taken the complex idea of meridians and points, and created what amounts to “push-button healing” for anyone who can follow simple instructions. But is this too good to be true?
Well, yes and no.
The degree I obtained for Acupuncture in Sri Lanka has served me well for many health issues, but I never fully recovered from my migraines using acupuncture, acupressure or oriental medicine alone. Push-button healing really only worked for Jesus and some healing saints in India, but they were obviously tapped into something more than information taught in some ebook! I was certainly helped some by using acupuncture, chiropractic, thyroid supplements, endocrine balancing, and specialized herbs, but the help usually did not last for more than a few weeks. Then I would inevitably slip back into my former pain mode.
It wasn’t until 30 years later that I finally realized my diet was the biggest cause, and that I was “insulin resistant.” I was fortunately able to “fix” this chronic metabolic disorder by sticking to a mostly Keto Diet and doing some intermittent fasting (no breakfast). After only a few weeks, the headaches mostly disappeared . . . at least 98% of the time!
As for Master Lim’s method, don’t bother. Unless you just want to learn some simple techniques to help yourself, some of the negative reviews online show that most of the PNH marketing is fake . . . INCLUDING the names and pictures of “Master Lim” and “Kevin Richardson!” The information these fake people are selling – although definitely not harmful – is mostly a waste of money since you can get the same info by doing a bit on online research. In other words, don’t waste your money.
Judging from the sheer amount of techniques and contents in the guide book, however, almost all of your body’s ailments can supposedly be treated with meridian therapy. Colds, constipation? Headaches? All respond . . . but how well? And for how long? I know from personal and professional experience that some chronic diseases – like cancer and chronic nerve-related diseases – don’t respond at all to acupuncture.
But acupuncture – like many other “energy medicines” – can only be as effective as the consciousness and healing power of the treating doctor. Jesus – with his world-changing presence – was able to heal with a touch. The most beloved doctors – those who patients really flock to, whether they are medical doctors, acupuncturists or chiropractors – can often heal using the simplest of methods or remedies. Others my have to rely on “protocol” to get any kind of results.
You can also be your own doctor to yourself and others. Open your heart to studying, learning, and experiencing the healing power that comes from within you. Others will soon find out and you’ll be hailed as a hero.
I heard aspirin also helps!
- $40
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