Find Real Success with a Life Coach Business! OK, OK . . . You and I both know that the job market is terrible. It’s been this way for years, and it’s only getting worse. What makes it even more complicated is that we are led to believe that getting a college degree will help us, but that just isn’t always true. Many college graduates are learning the hard way that jobs may not be waiting for them once they have to start repaying their loans. “About 1.5 million, or 53.6 percent, of bachelor’s degree-holders under the age of 25 last year were jobless or underemployed,... (Read More ...)

Market your coaching business with social media Marketing for your coaching business isn’t just about putting out advertisements, it’s about connecting to people. Once you’re in on the conversation, you will get advertising naturally through social sharing – the Internet’s equivalent of word of mouth. This includes “likes” and sharing on Facebook, “retweets” on Twitter, and so on. People are more likely to notice a product or service based on customer reviews and the recommendation of friends than an advertisement. In her book, The Facebook... (Read More ...)

Where are the coaching jobs? Are you looking for coaching jobs and finding none for the taking?  If you are a business coach, or someone with a specific skill set, you may have it easier.  Its fairly simple to put a price tag on your expertise, and – chances are – there’s a company out there who could use that expertise. If you are a Life Coach, however, who do you approach?  That’s a tougher one.  Who is giving out coaching jobs there days?  It makes you wonder . . . but why? its in the nature of the beast itself. You see, as a “life” coach you are a bit... (Read More ...)