“He Was A Gentle Soul” John Calerdine was a successful businessman, intelligent, friendly, and motivated by a genuine desire to grow personally and spiritually. . . all indeed qualities of a gentle soul.  I met him through my wife Brigitte, with whom he did business.  He was a client who was also working his way into our lives as a friend and supporter of the Logical Soul® program. . Then he died, suddenly last year.  He will be missed.  (Read More ...)

Life may be a puzzle, but death is truly unknown. People tend to fear the unknown, so it’s no wonder that most of us are anxious about this final moment and whatever may come after it. Two friends of mine have had to face mortality this month due to cancer. I am incredibly amazed at how well they are facing it. They are with the experience and moving through it as gracefully as they can. It is heartbreaking to hear this kind of news and be unable to change the facts, but they are facts. If we avoid the biological truth that our physical bodies can get sick and will eventually stop functioning,... (Read More ...)