Go To The Places Where Your Prospective Clients Hang Out! Wow, what a concept . . . is getting clients really as easy as that?  “Yes!” according to best-selling author and coach Christian Michelsen.  Getting clients, says he,  is almost like shooting fish in a barrel (rhetorically speaking) . . . you just need to know the location of the barrel! In the third edition of his classic best-seller Get Clients Today – available now for FREE – he even gives away his little known secrets he usually reserves for his $5K in-house workshops!  Christian names names and gives locations. ... (Read More ...)

Can you get clients today?  Yes!  There are actually LOTS of ways to get coaching clients:   Stand out on the street corner wearing a sandwich board that says “Will Coach For Food,” Run an ad offering to PAY people to get coached, Drop a thousand pamphlets into a war zone offering free coaching with every bullet-proof vest they purchase, or Get Christian Mickelsen’s free best-selling book Get Clients Today (2nd Edition) and start implementing his step-by-step strategies. I don’t know about you, but I find Method #4 the most reasonable and practical step!! Since... (Read More ...)