Here is a unique perspective on an old topic by Dr. Craig. Being “Coachable” is important trait for you as a Life Coach, as well as for your clients! Introducing the term “divine listening”… part of the Coaching Kahuna program: (Read More ...)
Anger is an issue to which many people seek help. It is also a subject that may come up in your life coaching clients. Fortunately, there are many ways to cool or redirect anger, and I’ll discuss a few of the better ones in this article. The first step to resolving anger is to understand it. Anger is an evolutionary response to a threat. Adrenaline production increases and fight-or-flight reactions set in which, although these will negatively affect your short-term health over time, they also help you survive in a hostile world. In the past, when a fight-or-flight reaction happened to... (Read More ...)
After attending Module 3 of the Logical Soul® Life Coach Certification this weekend, I was exhausted. We had a fantastic time reviewing the Logical Soul® process for newcomers as well as giving and receiving sessions as a group. Many of us had major breakthroughs, whether we resolved an age old issue, learned more about the Logical Soul® process, or took another strong step in the right direction. It was a lot of fun but also intense! So, my plan was to rest today. Take it easy. Catch up on e-mail and other small things. Instead, I found myself pacing from room to room, irritated beyond measure.... (Read More ...)
There’s more to life coaching than just positive thinking.Most of us take our subconscious minds for granted. Every day our subconscious minds regulate bodily functions like breathing and our heart beat without our conscious minds having to think about it. It even gives us warnings when something isn’t “right” – whether we’re consciously aware of it or not. This is easily demonstrated by our “fight or flight” response, which causes us to react to perceived threats without consciously thinking about it and even before we’re consciously aware... (Read More ...)
Let go of judgment. Basic Life Coach Training Update: Lately I’ve been reading about Buddhist meditation and mindfulness – specifically what’s known as Vipassana meditation. At it’s core, it’s the practice of seeing the true nature of reality without preconceptions or illusions, and can be a great technique to share with others as part of your life coaching and life coach training. This may sound simple, but being mindful goes against much of what we’re expected to do in daily life. So what does this have to do with life coach training? After practicing mindfulness,... (Read More ...)
Get more out of your time. How often do you look at the habits of highly successful people for tips on how to do things right? I know I did. I found out, however, that my simply doing what the greats do isn’t always the best approach for me. For example, as a researcher, writer and blogger I often thought the best way for me to become successful is to do as much as I can as often as I can. Basically, I was working nearly 24/7 to make my dreams come true but found out that all I really accomplished was to get burned out! Is this the approach you take with your life coaching business?If so,... (Read More ...)
Choose to be free. “You are your own worst enemy”. We’ve all heard this phrase, and the more I observe myself, the more I find it to be true. It can be easy to be afraid, confused, doubtful, or conflicted. Sometimes the idea of failure prevents us from taking action. Sometimes the idea of success is too overwhelming to consider. Sometimes, it’s simply easier to stay in our comfort zone. Almost everyone limits themselves in some way, and most life coaching tips will address different methods to resolve this piece by piece. I’ve read about EFT, NLP, affirmations, and... (Read More ...)
What makes you unique? Are you unique? If so, are you effective in telling others about it?? An important but often overlooked aspect of marketing your life coaching business is to show people what makes you different. How you stand out from all of the other life coaching folks is the only way to truly get more clients. By NOT doing this, you are just one of the crowd . . . a commodity. And as a commodity you can only compete on price; not the place you want to be. I like to think of it as writing an effective resume. You don’t leave out what makes you a particularly qualified or expert... (Read More ...)
Break free of memories! Scientists are still trying to understand how and why different types of memories are formed. Neuroscience is a complex field with very few definitive facts that we can actually work with as a lay person. However, as human beings we’ve come to understand that a healthy memory is vital to our success on all levels, particularly as it pertains to our life coaching practice. Being able to remember people’s names, for example, or appointment dates, personal or professional issues, and the myriad of business details . . . these are all important. But your memory isn’t... (Read More ...)
Reward yourself for a change. Most of us talk about being more productive . . . how to perform better in life coaching, and how to make more money, how to accomplish more each day. However, it’s not often that we think about how to celebrate our success. Is rewarding yourself difficult? If so, learn to overcome this hesitation; its a learned behavior . . . and not really productive to boot! Here’s the reality: you deserve to be rewarded for your efforts, and without this reward you are less effective. You might think that making more money or being a better coach is reward enough.... (Read More ...)
Image Courtesy “Journaling” is a fantastic way to track progress, whether it’s for yourself or your life coach clients. When you hear the words “track your progress” you probably think of check lists, points, and other means of keeping score. These systems are an important aspect of achieving goals, and as a life coach you’ve probably used them many times. However, when it comes to self growth, sometimes you need to go a bit deeper. Journaling can be used to track your progress in numbers, but it’ greatest benefits are found when you... (Read More ...)
Source: Wikimedia As a life coach, you will help people to identify what is holding them back and how to resolve it. An easy way to begin is to find out whether or not your life coach client’s needs are being met. Even the most successful entrepreneur will not be happy or reach their full potential if one of their basic needs is not fulfilled. A simple way to identify what is missing is to look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. I can tell you from experience that it holds true in life. I once spent an entire year in a drafty attic without heat or warm clothing. I relied on the kindness... (Read More ...)
Don’t let fear cloud your vision. Today I’ve decided to write about a subject I’m deeply familiar with: fear. This is an emotion that can shatter your dreams and stop you from living your life. Fear has stolen many years of my life, and the lives of others. For many, in fact, it is the primary motivator of the subconscious mind. So how DO you get beyond fear? As a life coach, you must have tools and the understanding to help move your client beyond his or her fears. The first step is to realize that you often attract clients with problems or concerns that you yourself need to... (Read More ...)
Rewrite your story. We all have personal stories. These are the sum of our experiences, beliefs, and actions. Friends and family have probably made you aware of certain attributes that you’ve come to accept as fact. “She’s such a giving person,” or “He always has good advice.” You hear these things over and over and subconsciously accept them as a part of your story. As a life coach, it is easy to build a personal story where you are the savior of others, or perhaps the humble healer. These characteristics come to define and motivate you, even if they’re... (Read More ...)
Get a head start with life coaching tips. Coaching has existed for decades, so you can imagine that there are countless life coaching tips out there. Vikki Brock wrote in her dissertation “Grounded Theory of the Roots and Emergence of Coaching”: “The data suggest that while the training of coaches and founding of professional associations occurred in the US in the early 1990s, coaching was a service offering in many different countries from the 1980s.” She went on to say that: “. . . coaching has a broad intellectual framework that draws on the synergy, cross-fertilization,... (Read More ...)
Do your Life Coaching clients set AND achieve their goals? Do you?? If you have been coaching people for any length of time, you’ve heard the following: “Setting goals does me no good,” or “I just can’t achieve goals, so its useless to make them.” There is a Very Good Reason Why people do NOT set or reach their goals . . . so CLICK HERE to check out a very good strategy for dealing with the problem of goal underachievement. If this has been helpful, be sure to order my FREE REPORT on how you may be sabotaging your OWN success as a Life Coach! (Read More ...)