Do you know your WHY…?   If you are a Life Coach or Business Coach and you don’t know the answer to this question, pay close attention to this article and video below . . . there are some real gems here. I recorded the video below back in October of 2011, but the topic is just as important today as it was back then when I was coaching home business entrepreneurs.  The main item to understand is that MOTIVATION is the Key . . . and depending on which LEVEL of motivation you are operating on, that is the kind of results you can expect to achieve. Deep, huh?  But very important if... (Read More ...)

It’s easy to TALK about finding your coaching ‘Why’; but more difficult to actually do it!  In fact, you may be giving your coaching clients the same self-discovery advice, but still trying to figure out a “down and dirty” way to get this information out of them. Here’s how… Below is a video I did last year that demonstrates Muscle Testing, or Applied Kinesiology, and how you can use this unique feedback process to help your clients (and yourself) discover hidden motivations.    (Read More ...)

Why Discover Your Coaching ‘Why’…? In my Free Report “The 7 Mistakes Life Coaches Make in Their Business…” the #1 mistake is trying to serve everybody. In the report I talk about how you need to define your niche, and go DEEP, not wide. If you want to go deep, however, you need to have a good enough reason to do this. You need to LOVE your subject, or else others will pick up the fact that you don’t . . . and will turn away. IF, however, you have a “good enough ‘Why’” they will see that and flock to you in large numbers. Here’s... (Read More ...)