Life may be a puzzle, but death is truly unknown. People tend to fear the unknown, so it’s no wonder that most of us are anxious about this final moment and whatever may come after it. Two friends of mine have had to face mortality this month due to cancer. I am incredibly amazed at how well they are facing it. They are with the experience and moving through it as gracefully as they can. It is heartbreaking to hear this kind of news and be unable to change the facts, but they are facts. If we avoid the biological truth that our physical bodies can get sick and will eventually stop functioning,... (Read More ...)
Life Coaching naturally involves both “life” and “coaching.” Since “life” can’t be defined, every life coach training program out there focuses on the coaching part, or things to DO. These things usually involve active listening, appreciative inquiry, and a dozen other words to go along with a way of getting results based on connecting with others with an end or result in mind. What would happen, however, if the results could happen naturally based on BEING instead of “Doing”? What if there were an approach built on “life”.... (Read More ...)
Osho I first heard the term “No Mind” from the writings of Osho, my wife’s guru. He was the source of my realization that No Mind, meditation, pure awareness and life itself were all one and the same. Although I never had the privilege of meeting Osho in person, his words spoke to me in ways that still touch my heart and soul. Years ago, however, Osho (or Baghwan Sri Rajneesh as he was called at the time) was inaccessible to me. This was not his doing, but mine. At the time – in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s – I was involved in another meditation... (Read More ...)
Life Coaching with No Mind What is “No Mind”? And how does it relate to life coaching?? I’m taking a chance here. I’m taking the chance that you are drawn to being a life coach because your focus is on “life.” If you believe that personal transformation is the highest expression of consciousness, continue reading. If, however, your focus is on “coaching,” skip this series of articles. You already have a definition of life coaching, know exactly what you are doing, and how you are doing it . . . Chances are there is nothing here for you. This... (Read More ...)