Congratulations! You finally got your coaching website up! But did you know it may already be obsolete?! (Michael with Russell Brunson) According to Russell Brunson, creator and director of ClickFunnels, and online sales platform, most websites – and this includes most coaching websites – are set up like online brochures. This means that your main contact with the public is NOT to sell them on your services – it’s to simply tell them about you and your services: your background, education, type of coaching, and how they can get in touch with you. While a website like... (Read More ...)
… And Boy are my arms tired! Sorry about that; sometimes old jokes lend themselves to good stories, and I have one. You see, I attended Russell Brunson’s “Funnel Hacking” event from May 27-30, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada, one of my least interesting places to be… I don’t drink, smoke, gamble, cheat on my wife or like big extravaganzas, so Vegas has historically never appealed to me. Or so I thought. Russell Brunson’s Click Funnels training event opened my eyes quite a bit to new possibilities for marketing and serving more and more of my people. He and... (Read More ...)
Video Course Summary So far Russell has covered: Marketing Success vs. Failure (Video 1, published April 5th) The Secret Formula (Video 2, April 12th) Today we bring you a 22-minute clip on self-coaching success. This is the final video of our 3-Part Series. Enjoy all the videos, refer back to them often, leave a comment below, but most of all . . . Order Russell Brunson’s FREE BOOK before the offer ends on April 21st! Video 3: Coaching Yourself To Success As a life or business coach, you no doubt use some of the goal achievement ideas that Russell covers in this video with your clients. ... (Read More ...)
Last week, I discussed the differences between “Internet Marketing” and “Online Marketing” for entrepreneurs, the keys to turning failure into success, and presented a clip from a recent workshop on marketing success – the first of three video clips I’ll be bringing you. Today we’ll cover… The Secret Formula for Coach Marketing How do you normally market your coaching practice? Go to lots of group meetings and events to meet and network with other coaches and professionals? Call all your friends and family members to tell them what you do... (Read More ...)
Marketing Success Videos For those who signed up for Russell Brunson’s FREE BOOK Offer (available last week until April 21st for the price of shipping), you already know he includes the 2014 videos of his 10-module “DotCom Secrets Ignite Workshop” as a bonus. I’ve seen this video training . . . and all I can say is that it is phenomenal! Russell covers all aspects of online marketing, and I furiously took notes on how I saw his teaching as it relates to coaching success – particularly as it relates to building your coaching business. In today’s blog post and... (Read More ...)
The Coaching Dream Do you have a dream of growing your coaching business or consulting business bigger . . . to a point where you can think of doing business over the phone or Skype while living in a cozy villa on your favorite tropical island? Have you ever dreamed of coaching in the morning, then retiring before lunch to your Tiki Hut to enjoy your cold margarita and beach view?? I did . . . and still do! One of the ways I found that works best of all is to sell your coaching or consulting services to people around the world! And what better way of doing that than by creating or improving your... (Read More ...)